As couples go through a divorce, they know life after their split will be different. It’s already different for those who are living apart and operating according to interim orders when it comes to parenting time and child support. The concern, of course, is that you’re going to be responsible for running your own household solo after years of having a partner to share the load. Don’t be surprised to find some unexpected hidden treats that blow this worry away.
“Have” vs. “Get”
It is daunting to transform your entire existence, schedule, and routine to accommodate your Michigan divorce. But when it comes to all the responsibilities you now must manage on your own, changing one word in your mind and in your vocabulary can make all the difference.
You “get” to do things the way you want. You don’t “have” to make a change, you “get” to. How many habits and routines did you adopt over your marriage to make your significant other happy? How many times did you give up your own wishes for the sake of others? Now, it’s your turn to do things exactly the way you want.
Hate creepy Halloween decorations but have a basement full of howling animatronics? Ditch what you dislike and decorate your way. Want to carve all five little pumpkins with your kids but your ex was never into the gooey cleanup? Go for it and love every second of it. No matter the holiday, special occasion, or regular day of the week, you get to decide how it goes. Congratulations.
Overdue Me Time
When you’re a hard-working parent, breaks are rare. Even when you have family and friends to support you with weekends away or a night out, you’re still on duty all the time. Enter divorce. When you have a 50/50 parenting time plan, that means you will have some nights and weekends free.
While it isn’t easy to send your children off with your former partner, it’s legally that parent’s right to have time with them, so feeling guilty about the circumstances does you no good. Enjoy your alone time. Fill it with all the things you love, or the people you never get to hang out with, or just do anything that you don’t get to do when your kids are around, like wear a face mask, eat popcorn for dinner, or binge reality TV.
Me time is a reality, and it’s a reality that some people never actually experience until they’re divorced. If you’re looking for a silver lining in the end of your marriage, this is it.
Empowered Power
What many new singles discover post-divorce is that they can handle more than they thought – and have, in fact, been handling a ton of things for a long time. You can manage when the kids get sick or the car needs a repair. You can work and still spend quality time with your kids and eat meals together.
Divorce isn’t a trickster or destroyer of lives – it can give you new life. Schedule an initial consultation with Femminineo Attorneys in Macomb, MI, to find out what’s right for you.