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    March Madness: When Divorce Rates Spike

    march madness divorce spike femminineo attorneys

    January is commonly referred to as “divorce month,” but many family law attorneys see divorce filings peak around the month of March. The calendar offers some clarity about why March is a decision-making month but ultimately every couple has their own reasons for filing for divorce.

    A Disappointing Valentine’s Day

    The holidays often make or break a marriage that is on the rocks. For couples who have opted to give their union another try after the New Year, February 14 could signal the end.

    An unhappy or unfulfilling Valentine’s Day, a time when love and relationships are meant to be celebrated, could turn into a disappointing holiday. No card or gifts or even an “I love you.” For some, this absence of any lovey-dovey gestures – or simply trying – is the last straw and a clear sign their marriage isn’t meant to last. Come the month of March, they’ve filed for divorce.

    A Wish to Embrace a New Beginning in Spring

    Though the New Year is earmarked as a time of starting over, for many people spring is the season when they are ready for a fresh start. The time change, the extra hours of sunshine, the days that feel longer – they want to fill that time with people they love and things they enjoy doing.

    When a partner doesn’t naturally fit into that equation, springtime is when freedom and independence are embraced and codependency is abandoned. Spring is often the time to call it quits on a marriage and embark on the rest of the year feeling renewed and ready for change.

    The Power of Tax Season

    Divorce, without a doubt, is a financial undertaking. Taking time to review joint taxes with your spouse before April delivers a clear financial picture. Maybe you really can afford to break up. Maybe it won’t be so bad to move ahead separately. Some couples come to this decision together and amicably, others reach this realization on their own and feel the courage to make the choice to divorce whether their partner likes it or not.

    March Is Not Mad

    There is nothing mad about choosing to file for divorce in March. If anything, you are to be applauded for giving yourself time to think through the repercussions of this decision, especially if the most recent holidays were challenging.

    Madness is staying in a marriage that does not make you happy. Some couples, no matter how poorly matched or how far they’ve grown apart, believe that winning is remaining in a less-than-wonderful relationship. But when you have children, they recognize a mediocre marriage. It’s better to show your children that prioritizing happiness for both parents is the smart choice for everyone. This realization will make your parenting time with them even richer and more valuable.

    Hire a Michigan Divorce Lawyer

    The decision to divorce is never entered lightly, and your Michigan divorce attorney understands that you have reached this moment after careful thought and considered experiences. Get support from a divorce lawyer at Femminineo Attorneys today. Schedule a consultation.

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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