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    Identifying 4 Types of Divorce Stress

    divorce stress femminineo attorneys

    Some of the biggest stressors a person can experience in life include moving, starting a new job, the death of a loved one, and divorce. Splitting up with your spouse is a major financial and logistical concern, but it’s important to acknowledge the mental and emotional upheaval of divorce too. Recognize what you’re going through Identifying 4 Types of Divorce Stress

    March Madness: When Divorce Rates Spike

    march madness divorce spike femminineo attorneys

    January is commonly referred to as “divorce month,” but many family law attorneys see divorce filings peak around the month of March. The calendar offers some clarity about why March is a decision-making month but ultimately every couple has their own reasons for filing for divorce. A Disappointing Valentine’s Day The holidays often make or March Madness: When Divorce Rates Spike

    Femminineo Law
    110 S Main St # 200
    Mt Clemens, MI 48043

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    Michigan Divorce Help Law